Becoming a shareholder

Klea Holding, an international group focused on the acquisition, development, and digitalization of businesses across multiple sectors, with the aim of maximizing their growth and value.

What are the different ways to hold shares?

As an individual, you have the choice of keeping your shares:

  • With your financial intermediary who is the only one who has your name (bearer shares). This is the most common way of holding shares in France. In this case, the management of your portfolio is easier: you can gather all your shares in a single securities account or PEA, which is held by your intermediary;
  • Directly within the listed company (pure registered shares). Here, you are closer to the company: you are better informed and can participate more easily in general meetings;
  • With the securities department of the listed company but managed by your financial intermediary (administered registered shares). In this case, you also receive information about the company directly.

How to place a stock market order?

To buy Klea Holding shares, you can be either:

  • Bearer or administered registered shareholder: You can contact your usual financial intermediary (bank, online broker, stockbroker) to do so directly with an ordinary share account, a PEA (share savings plan) or a PEA-PME (share savings plan intended for the financing of SMEs and ETIs) ;
  • Pure registered shareholder: You can contact Uptevia Corporate Trust, our registrar, to open an account and acquire KleaHolding shares in pure registered form.

Uptevia Corporate Trust
12 place des Etats-Unis
CS 40083 92549
Montrouge Cedex

The stock exchange orders must be clearly worded and give the indications mentioned below:

  • The name and the ISIN code of the security to be traded;
  • The nature of the operation: purchase or sale;
  • The quantity of the shares to be treated;
  • The execution price;
  • The validity period of the order (maximum end of month).

How to participate in the General Meetings?

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Whether you are a bearer shareholder or a registered shareholder, you can participate in a company’s General Meetings if you hold one or more shares at the latest on the 3rd working day before the meeting.

To attend KleaHolding’s General Meetings and vote for or against the resolutions presented, you have the choice between 3 options:

1.To attend the General Meetings in person: you must have an admission card:

If you are a registered shareholder, you will receive a notice of meeting from the financial service provider in charge of the General Meeting (Uptevia Corporate Trust – Centralized General Meetings Department), by letter, or in electronic form if you have opted for this method of communication, at least 15 days before the General Meeting. You will be able to make your request for a card.

If you are a bearer shareholder, you must get informed by yourself on our website about the date of the General Meeting. You must then ask your financial intermediary for your admission card to the general meeting. Upon receipt, your financial institution will draw up a certificate of participation, which it will attach to your request for an admission card. It will send these two documents to Uptevia Corporate Trust – Centralized General Meetings Department.

2. Remote voting:

Remote voting is cast using a specific form that will be sent to registered shareholders by Uptevia Corporate Trust – Centralized General Meetings Department. Holder of bearer shares may obtain this form on request from the financial intermediary holding their securities account.

The paper form must be returned to Uptevia Corporate Trust – Centralized General Meetings Department at least 3 days before the General Meeting, and the electronic form must be returned no later than 3pm on the day before the General Meeting.

3. Giving power of attorney:

You can give power of attorney to the natural or legal person of your choice to represent you at the general meeting. You can also give a blank proxy, by not giving the name of the proxy. In this case, the vote is held by the chairman of the meeting.

Registered shareholders receive the proxy voting form from Uptevia Corporate Trust – Centralized General Meetings Department. Bearer shareholders must request the proxy voting form from the financial intermediary holding their securities account.

It should be noted that the same multi-entry document is used to request an admission card, to vote by mail and by proxy.

How can I stay informed about Klea Holding news?

By visiting our site and subscribing to our mailing list which will allow you to receive an e-mail notification as soon as information concerning Klea Holding is published.

Receive all the financial information of Klea Holding by e-mail for free by subscribing here.

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