Legal notice

General information

The website is monitored by the company KLEA HOLDING:

  • With a capital of EUR 3 075 143.14
  • Siret number: 51423126500075
  • SIREN number: 514231265 RCS PARIS
  • APE: 8211 Z – RCS de Paris
  • VAT number (Intra): FR 84514231265
  • Contact: Contact form
  • Publishing Director: Guillaume Bremond
  • Assistant Publishing Director: Clément PACAUD

The site ” ” is hosted by .ostin.Fr 74 rue Blanche – 75009 Paris – France

For any request concerning a product or service, for any suggestions, information, reactions concerning this site, click here.

Intellectual Property

All the elements of the site (visual and graphic charts, photos, images, logos, videos, animations, texts, articles, back-office, software and web developments…) as well as the brands and distinctive signs are the exclusive property of their respective authors, and KLEA HOLDING has the rights to use them. They cannot be reproduced or exploited without the prior and express consent of KLEA HOLDING.
Also, the integration of hypertext links to all or part of the Site is prohibited without the prior written authorization of KLEA HOLDING.

Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

Web links

The presence of hypertext links to other sites does not constitute a guarantee of the quality of the content or proper functioning of said sites. KLEA HOLDING cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites.

    Data processing and Privacy

    In accordance with Law 78-17 modified by Law 2004-801, the above-mentioned company has appointed a Data Protection Officer for an indefinite period. You can reach him by email at

    This person is in charge of keeping the internal register of data processing and managing the rights of access, rectification and deletion of data.
    In accordance with articles 38 and 40 of law 2004-801 of 06/08/2004, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data that concern you. This right can be exercised online by sending an email to or by mail to the postal address mentioned.

    Rights to reply on the site

    In accordance with article 6 IV of law n°2004-575, any individual or legal entity named or designated on the site has a right to reply, without prejudice to requests for correction or deletion of the message that he or she may address to the KLEA HOLDING headquarters.

    The request to exercise the right to reply, addressed to the publishing director, must be presented at the latest within three months of the message justifying this request being made available to the public.


    KLEA HOLDING reserves the right to modify the present legal notice at any time.

    Despite the particular care taken in its creation, errors may have occurred in the information, documents, or elements presented. Some information, news, or announcements may be outdated. KLEA HOLDING cannot guarantee, despite its best efforts, the perfect accuracy and updating of all documents, information, elements, news, or announcements published on the Site

    The law applicable to the Site is French law.

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